Stories, Articles & Essays


Feeling Bullish: On My Great-Uncle, Gay Matador and Friend of Hemingway

In his suit, with his pigtail and his montera, he was pure potential: he could be masculine vanquisher or gold-embroidered fairy. He was both, actually, at all times, and nobody who came to see him fight thought any less of him for it.


Fiction from Rafael Frumkin, featuring psychiatrists brandishing DSM–5, delusions, transference and the menacing voice of Alex Trebek.

American Maniac

I would peel wrappers off sandwiches, remove noodles from their boxes, fry up meat before any authorities had the chance to track me and my bounty down.

The Abyss

I came home this past fall to the Chicago suburb where I’d lived with my parents from age nine until I left for college in 2008, and I moved back into my childhood bedroom.

The Glitch

Them and not me, thought EJP. I can be invisible. I’m glitching.

The New York Times

Is It a Campus or a Powder Keg? In This Novel, It’s Both.

In her new novel, “The Laughter,” Sonora Jha satirizes academia by following an older, white male professor who is lusting after his younger, Pakistani colleague, all while a student protest brews.


On Trans Joy

There’s so much I want to say to my doppelgänger. But she’s gone.

The Optimist’s Apocalypse

What if the world can “end,” as your life has many times—and then begin again?

Not the Perfect Victim

If sex work were decriminalized, would Alisha Walker still have been charged with murder?

The Problem of White Efficacy

Striving for goodness is antithetical to reckoning with whiteness.



The videos were different from anything I’d ever seen. Rope, leather, buckles, straitjackets, Lycra, latex, gas masks, ball gags. The women had ideas and Vanessa let them act the ideas out.

The Cut

I Think About Meadow Soprano Trying to Parallel Park a Lot

Meadow and I both know that we only have so much time before some cataclysm, be it a Dustin Hoffman knockoff or a deadly pandemic, interrupts our happiness.

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